It Works
This 12-step curriculum offers a way out of addiction.
Tips For Using The Facilitator's Guide
C Joy has created a Quick Reference Guide to help you get started.
Two options for streaming the videos;
A. Stream them one-by-one as you facilitate each module.
B. Download all of them at once. Then use them as needed to
facilitate each module.
Page 8 is most important in helping you get started.
TO GET STARTED on your computer or laptop....
1. Open your search engine page of choice -
(FireFox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc...)
2. DO NOT write in the search engine window.
Instead, go to theADDRESS BAR at the top of the page and type That will immediately bring up
the first video for Module 2 (Module 1 is the full movie). For
each successive Module replace the 121198091 number with the
one that coincides with that Module. Continue this process for
each new module.
3. When the page comes up that says PRIVATE VIDEO, enter the
password provided in your facilitator's guide on page 8.
Pages 9 - 27 are for the facilitator to use as a guideline
when working in each module.
Pages 28-33 are for participants. Copy and distribute for discussion.
If you have difficulty please feel free to call or text me (Jim) for help
at 407-929-3191 or email him at